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He Calls them to do Something Great!

Writer's picture: Jeremiah BorgerJeremiah Borger

Updated: Sep 15, 2022

All through the Bible, we see times when God calls out to His people in their most difficult moments.

Forest wildfire

He calls them to do something great. He called to Gideon while he was hiding in the winepress. He called to Moses from a bush that was on fire. He called Ruth to leave her country and go with Naomi to Israel. He called the three Hebrew boys to stand and not bow.

The last couple of years have been hard for many. Churches, ministries, businesses have been trying to maintain and hold on. But God is calling us out of the wilderness to arise. We as believers need to be more vigilant than ever in these trying times. It’s not about self preservation or hanging on to what we’ve always done anymore. It’s about full surrender. Jesus says, ‘deny yourself, pick up your cross and follow me.’ We are determined more than ever that God is awakening His Church like never before. He has positioned us for such a time as this. We will not allow the chaos of the moment to cause us to be frozen in fear or uncertainty. More kids are getting removed from their homes because of abuse and neglect than ever before. We have less foster homes. We’re in the highest child welfare turnover rate in history in our local agency. As a nation, the foster care system in in crisis! Now is the time to advance, not retreat.

God is calling us through the chaos to arise! As we rebuild, ask the Lord what He wants you to maintain, what He wants you to stop doing, and what direction He wants you to go in 2022. It is our biblical mandate to care for orphans… (James 1:27). How can we do that practically? Where do we start? So glad you asked! Go to

Lord, may we walk in full surrender to your will… in our marriages, in our families, and our churches. In the foster-care system. In the justice system. Wherever you call us. Stephen and Sandra Hogue

GOD is awakening His Church to incorporate foster care and foster care adoption under the James 1:27 mandate to “care for orphans.“ An increasing amount of church leaders realize that foster care is an untapped, evangelistic field ripe for the harvest! It’s not just about recruiting foster families within church congregations, but equipping the Church to wrap around the foster families already stepping into that missional role. When you pray for OneFamily and the Hogues, please pray for the “equipping of the saints“ (Ephesians 4:12), as we bring training to churches.


We are currently overseeing foster-care and adoption ministries in 13 local churches. Praise God! But there are more than 400 churches in the Volusia/Flagler County areas. Since October 2021, through the CarePortal software program, 27 children have been helped, with an economic impact of over $10,000! If your church wants to learn how they can be a part of serving at-risk, vulnerable children and families, please email


Join us at the end of March!

This is a monthly training based on Karyn Purvis' well known book: The Connected Child, for parents who have welcomed children from other countries and cultures, from troubled backgrounds, and/or with behavioral or emotional needs. It is also recommended for church leaders, teachers, or anyone who works with children from 'hard places'. The Connected Child will help you:

  • Build bonds of affection and trust with your foster/adopted child

  • Effectively deal with any learning or behavioral disorders

  • Discipline your child with love without making him or her feel threatened

It is recommended that you purchase the book. However, it is NOT required to participate on the ZOOM call.

When: Mar 31, 2022 08:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Register in advance for this meeting: After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.


Amazon smile

You shop. Amazon gives. We are very thankful that a portion of your purchases can go directly to Hogue Ministries (OneFamily) thank you in advance for making us your charity of choice! SHOP NOW


The Red Jelly Bean

Easter is one of Simon's favorite holidays of the year! He looks forward to waking up Easter morning to a basket of goodies. This Easter was a bit different. Besides the goodies, Grandpa brought over a bowl of jelly beans. Join the journey to discovering what this special candy has to do with Easter and the real reason to celebrate. BUY NOW


New Youtube

New and updated YouTube channel Go to OneFamilyFL on YouTube and subscribe!


Upcoming Dates in March:

08- Missions Presentation- First Baptist- Pt. Orange, FL

10- Prayer/Worship Night- Daytona, FL

13- Daytona Christian Center- Daytona, FL

20- West Coast Church- Englewood, FL

25- Foster/Adoption Support Group Mtg.- Deland, FL

27- CompaCare Training- Edgewater Alliance Church

31- The Connected Child online Training

Prayer Requests:

Ministry building to purchase

The success of CarePortal

The increase of churches signing on to CompaCare

Increase in monthly pledges


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